"If you want to write your memoirs, the alternate Game of Thrones or the Misadventures of Miss X, these gatherings are for you."
Stories 1001
Melbourne Victoria Australia | Tel 0431 101 187 | malcolmchashill@hotmailcom
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Stories 1001 program for Brimbank Library After Dark program Vietnamese Gambling Harm groupProcess• Dec 2020 - Ran four week stories program online as part ofBrimbank Library After Dark program (an alternative topokies in the evening)• Because of this invited to run similar program forVietnamese gambling harm group in Jan 2021. Workclosely with library after dark coordinator to present onlineworkshops.• Received Project Brief• Took part in Vietnamese Gambling Harm group meetings.Introduce myself and story program to encourageparticipation.• Vietnamese translator and gambling harm coordinatorattended story program in December 2020• Liaise with her re the Vietnamese group• Advise re support for participants to attend• Week 1• Introduction – each other• Introduction to story• Emotion and story• Ask the group what they are happy doing – writing? talking?storyboard?• Next lesson (in response to group)• Provide powerpoint template of questions (prompts) in thegeneral shape of a story for group to refer to• Sessions is recorded (audio) with group’s permission• Translator and participants discuss questions• Three sessions discussing gambling experience – frombeginning gambling to now• Result 90 mins X 3 audio in Vietnamese• Locate Vietnamese transcriber• negotiate cost with Brimbank council• Send files to transcriber• Put Vietnamese text into google translate into English• Keep encouraging / supporting storytellers to feel OKdiscussing their experience (they are unsure aboutappearing in public)• Gambling harm group organise radio interview on SBSradio and possible video to be used in online awarenessclips• Edited excerpts from discussion distributed to Vietnamesemedia